My Wife’s Pity

by rsbakker

A big fat THANKS for everyone who helped this address go viral. I went from zero to thousand-hit hero in the space of 24 hours. Privacy – then poof!

Publicity does have consequences. So as I’m dropping my wife off for work, she says, “I feel sorry for you and your blog.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Because you’re so honest about your feelings. I mean, if I was someone who didn’t know you, I think I’d think you need therapy.”

And so I find myself inducted into the world o’ blogging. A place where honesty doesn’t so much bite, as nibbles, and nibbles, and nibbles. A place of pure surface, and all the corresponding imperatives to look your best.

Leave it to your wife to remind you forgot to shave and tuck your shirt in!

Okay. So I’m still trying to figure this all out, while in the midst of doing the final rewrite of The White-Luck Warrior. I don’t know how to change that stupid tagline, for instance. I’m still confused on how to easily approve all the comments that are made. I already feel the itch of accumulated obligations.

And my baby girl is grunting like a reptile in the background…

Have I mentioned that I suffer from organizational dyslexia?