Still Idiosyncratic, yet Verging on Mainstream

by rsbakker

I’ve been killing myself working to meet several commitments I made way back when, which is why I’ve been avoiding this computer—or I should say its internet connection—like the plague. Even still, I thought I should share a couple pieces of news exciting enough to warrant violating my moratorium…

The Journal of Consciousness Studies has accepted “On Alien Philosophy” for publication, likely, I’m told, for some time in early 2017.  The article uses heuristic neglect to argue that aliens possessing a convergent cognitive biology would very likely suffer the same kinds of confusions regarding cognition and consciousness as we presently do. This could be an important foot in the door.

And with details forthcoming, it looks like we have a deal for the television rights to The Prince of Nothing… there’s not much I can say yet, except that the more books I can sell, the greater the chance of seeing the series on the screen! Time to pull out the purple tuxedo…